Volunteer on the NorthShore This Summer!0
Summertime is just around the corner, meaning that as the temperatures rise, the days extend, and the school year winds down, there will be plenty of time and opportunities to lend a hand throughout St. Tammany Parish during the coming months. Volunteering on the NorthShore can be as easy as helping out an organization for […]
Read MoreGet Out and Volunteer in New Orleans This Summer0
Charitable organizations rely on the donation of volunteers’ time just as much as they count on monetary donations in order to remain functional and effective. With summer approaching, and the long daylight hours and ample volunteer programs being held outdoors, there are plenty of opportunities and few excuses not to get out and lend a […]
Read MoreLeave a Legacy through Charitable Giving0
Have you ever wanted to change the world in some way? Do you want to make the world a better place for your children, grandchildren, and future generations? As a champion of a particular cause, you might wish to have your dedication and commitment to that cause memorialized forever. By making a will bequest to […]
Read MoreIt’s that Time of Year to Donate your Car or Vehicle0
Ahh, spring has finally arrived, the time of year where everything starts anew. The time of year when you finally decide to clean out the garage in a fit of spring cleaning. You’re tired of moving your “backup” vehicle, which you never use, in and out of the garage just to get the lawnmower out. […]
Read MoreMake An In Honor Or In Memory Gift0
Losing someone close can be one of the hardest things to deal with in a lifetime. However, you can honor their life by giving a living legacy gift. These are in honor gifts or in memory gifts, given on behalf of that person special to you. What better way to honor a special person than […]
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